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How To Barspin On A Scooter? (5 Easy Steps!)




How To Barspin On A Scooter


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Are you wondering how to barspin on a scooter? Performing a barspin on a scooter involves spinning the handlebars of your scooter 360 degrees while in the air, adding flair to your tricks.

Mastering this impressive move requires practice, technique, and proper execution.

Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to help you perfect your barspins on a scooter!

What is a Barspin?

The barspin requires coordination, balance, and timing to execute correctly. This trick is commonly seen in scooter freestyle competitions and videos as riders demonstrate their expertise.

How To Barspin On A Scooter?

Here are the simple steps to barspin on a scooter:

  1. Bunny Hop: Gain air by jumping with your scooter, pulling the handlebars up for height, and leveling out with both wheels parallel.
  2. Bar Spin: Initiate the spin as you level out by pushing the handlebars with one hand for about 180 degrees.
  3. Hand Switch: Let go slightly and guide the bars with your back hand, allowing them to rotate around.
  4. Catch: Catch the bars with your other hand as they complete the rotation.
  5. Land: Straighten your arms and land smoothly like a regular bunny hop.

Choosing the Right Scooter for Barspins:

  • Look for a scooter with a sturdy and durable build.
  • Ensure that the handlebars are at a comfortable height for easy maneuvering.
  • Opt for scooters with lightweight frames to make barspins smoother.
  • Check that the wheels are of high quality and suitable for performing tricks.

Consider the following factors when choosing a scooter:

Deck SizeChoose a deck size that fits your height and style.
Compression SystemSelect an appropriate compression system for stability.
Handlebar WidthWider handlebars provide better control during spins.

Preparing Yourself Mentally and Physically:

  • Visualize the Trick: Close your eyes and imagine yourself successfully landing the barspin. Visualization can help build confidence.
  • Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset to stay motivated during practice sessions.
  • Focus on Breathing: Proper breathing techniques can help calm nerves before attempting the barspin.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Start with smaller tricks before progressing to more complex ones like the barspin.

Learning the Basics of Barspin Technique:

Grip and Stance: Hold the scooter handlebars firmly with both hands. Keep your feet centered on the deck for balance.

Preparation: Gain enough speed to maintain stability during the trick. Bend your knees slightly to absorb impact upon landing.

Practice Swinging Motion: Swing one hand forward while simultaneously turning the handlebars in that direction.

Land Smoothly: Bring back both hands to catch the handlebars after completing a full rotation.

Step by Step Guide to Barspin on A Scooter:

1. Master the Bunny Hop:

Before you launch into a barspin, you need a solid bunny hop. Practice jumping with your scooter, preload your legs by squatting slightly before pushing down and jumping up.

Pull the handlebars up with you as you jump to get maximum height. In mid-air, focus on leveling out your scooter, making sure both wheels are parallel to the ground.

2. Bar Spin Initiation:

As you reach the peak of your bunny hop and your scooter is leveled out, this is your window to initiate the barspin. Choose a hand (dominant hand works well for beginners).

With that hand, give the handlebars a firm push forward for about 180 degrees. Imagine you’re trying to spin the handlebars around a circle in front of you.

3. Controlled Release and Guide:

Here comes the slightly scary part, but don’t completely let go! Briefly loosen your grip on the bars with your initiating hand as they spin around. But don’t clench them shut either.

Instead, use your other hand to lightly guide the bars in the direction of the spin with your palm facing outwards. This helps control the rotation and prevents the bars from going wild.

4. The Catch:

This is where it all comes together. As the handlebars complete the 360-degree rotation and come back around to your initial starting position, be ready to catch them with your other hand.

Your catching hand should be positioned slightly further down the grip than usual, towards the middle, for better control.

5. Sticking the Landing:

Once you’ve caught the bars with your other hand, straighten your arms to absorb the impact as you land.

Aim for a smooth landing just like a regular bunny hop, bending your knees slightly to absorb the shock. Remember, a controlled landing is key to avoiding wobbles or complete wipeouts.

Bonus Tip: Practice spinning the bars without jumping first. Stand with your scooter between your legs or rest the front wheel on a curb. This allows you to get comfortable with the hand motions and feeling of the barspin before adding the jump.

Practicing Barspins Safely:

Wear Safety Gear like Helmet, Knee and elbow pads and Closed-toe shoes.

Find a Suitable Practice Area: Smooth flat surface and Avoid crowded areas.

Warm-Up Exercises: Stretch your arms and legs and Practice basic scooter tricks first.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying Barspins:

Incorrect Foot Placement: Ensure your front foot is placed firmly on the scooter’s deck for stability.

Improper Timing: Time your jump and spin correctly to execute a smooth barspin.

Not Committing Fully: Hesitating midway through the trick can lead to loss of balance. Commit fully once you start the barspin.

Inadequate Height: Jumping too low can result in not having enough airtime for the full rotation. Aim for sufficient height.

Failure to Spin Handlebars Correctly: Practice spinning the handlebars with precision; improper technique can cause imbalance during landing.

Lack of Spotting Landing: Always keep an eye on where you will land to prepare yourself for a stable touchdown.

Final Thoughts! How To Barspin On A Scooter?

Mastering the art of a barspin on a scooter requires practice, dedication, and fearlessness.

By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, riders can enhance their skills and progress towards executing flawless barspins effortlessly.

Remember, consistency is key; keep pushing yourself to perfect your technique until you can confidently showcase your barspin abilities with confidence.

So grab your scooter, head to the nearest skatepark, and start practicing those barspins today!

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